Handheld Comparison

NameImagePriceBuyHandset WeightHandset Dimensions Battery Life Ingress Protection ConnectionGmPRS Data
From: £1,051.23 ex VAT

£1,261.48 inc VAT

232g138x57x27mm11 hrs talk / 100 hrs standbyIP65/ IK05Satelliite/Cellular60 kbps GmPRS Data (Satellite) / 30 Mbps LTE (Cellular)

Airtime Plans

Monthly Plans

  • Allows access to all Thuraya services and phone features

Plan pricing in U.S. Dollars and excludes VAT
Account facilities strictly subject to status

 Thuraya Plan
Line Rental* per MonthUS$50
Call Rates
Usage Included per Month**US$15
Thuraya to Landlines & Mobile/Cellular*** per minuteUS$1.35 USD
Thuraya SMS per messageUS$0.49 USD
GmPRS per MegaByteUS$2.77
Activation ChargeUS$50
Minimum Term12 Months
Additional Calls Rates and DetailsClick Here
*US$5 per month discount for Direct Debit payment included
**Allowance does not roll over
*** Destinations excluded from this rate are: Cuba, East Timor, Globalstar, Inmarsat A, Inmarsat B, Inmarsat M, Inmarsat Mini-M, Ascension Islands, Australia Satellite, Cook Islands, Diego Garcia, Inmarsat BGAN, Inmarsat BGAN HSD, Inmarsat B-HSD, Inmarsat M4-HSD, Iridium, Kiribati, Montserrat, Nauru Islands, Niue, Samoa Western, Sao Tome, Solomon Islands, St. Helena, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna.
Details for calls to these destinations can be found here
NB.You can only send a text message from a prepaid Thuraya SIM to a GSM network with an SMS agreement with Thuraya (please note that this means there are some networks that will not receive an SMS if you attempt to send them). You can receive text messages and calls from GSM networks.

Thuraya Prepaid SIM

Phones and Satsleeve

Thuraya Prepaid Nova SIM card

£55.00 ex VAT

£66.00 inc VAT

Prepaid Plans

The NOVA plan offers discounted call rates from within certain countries but does work in all of Thuraya's coverage area.

Initial ValidityInitial Credit*Calls From Inside NOVA Area †*Calls From Outside NOVA Area †
12 Months10 Units (valid for 30 days)1.00 Unit per Min1.95 Unit per Min
*Calls to most landlines/mobiles
Validity Renewal Fee after initial 12 months onwards**Dormant Monthly Fee
39 Units / 12 Months19 Units / Month
**No outgoing calls for 12 months or more
Calls From Inside NOVA Area † Calls From Outside NOVA Area †
Calls To most landlines & mobile networks (voice and CSD) / Units per Minute1.001.95
Calls To Thuraya handsets (voice and CSD) / Units per Minute0.951.35
SMS / Units per Message0.500.50
GmPRS Data / Units per MegaByte3.973.97
SIM will not work whilst roaming onto the GSM networks, the SIM will only work whilst using the Thuraya Satellite Service
† Thuraya NOVA Area is as follows: Albania, Andaman Sea, Andorra, Arafura Sea, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Banda Sea, Bangladesh, Bay of Bengal, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bo Hai, Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Celebes Sea, China, Coral Sea, Coral Sea Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, East China Sea (Dong Hai), East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Federal State of Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, Flores Sea, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Guam, Guernsey, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Gulf of Thailand, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Japan, Java Sea, Jersey, Kara Sea, Kiribati, Korea Bay, Korea Strait, Korea North, Korea South, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Makassar Strait, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Pacific Ocean, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paracel Islands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, San Marino, Sea of Japan, Selat Karimata, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South China Sea, Spain, Spratly Islands, Sri Lanka, Strait of Malacca, Sulu Sea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Taiwan Strait, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor Sea, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, UK, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yellow Sea (Huang Hai), Yugoslavia (Montenegro), Yugoslavia (Serbia), Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Please note that some countries listed are not fully covered, please check the coverage map
Calls From Inside NOVA Area † Calls From Outside NOVA Area †
Calls to Cuba, East Timor, Globalstar, Inmarsat B, Inmarsat M, Inmarsat mini M (voice and CSD) / Units per Minute5.196.12
Calls to Ascension, Australia Satellite, Cook Is., Diego Garcia, Inmarsat BGAN, Inmarsat BGAN HSD, Inmarsat B-HSD, Inmarsat M4-HSD, Iridium, Kiribati, Montserrat, Nauu Is., Niue, Western Samoa, Sao Tome, Soloman Is., St. Helena, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna (voice and CSD) / Units per Minute8.209.75
Dial-up Internet 1722 Service / Units per Minute0.951.35
  • This tariff was revised 14 October 2013, SIM cards activated prior to 14 October 2013 GmPRS activation fee of 25 units applies

If enough balance is not found in your account, a grace period of 90 days is granted. In this period your account will be automatically renewed if you refill your account with the required amount (please note that any credit that is on the card remains until the end of the grace period). You will not be able to make calls during this grace period, however you will be able to receive calls. The account is finally closed (deactivated) at the end of the grace period if no (or not enough) credit is applied.

We quote all our monthly airtime plans in US Dollars (excluding VAT) because this is the currency that Iridium, Inmarsat and Thuraya work in.
If you sign up for a monthly plan with a direct debit you will receive your invoice in GB Pounds Sterling converted from US Dollars using the prevailing exchange rate at the time of billing.
Monthly plans have a minimum term, the first month's service charge is pro rata, the last month's is not and is payable in full.


The Network





Thuraya's Coverage Map

Competitive Pricing across large area

  • Map shows limit of regional coverage
  • Customers are recommended to contact the Embassy or Trade Commission of any destination country, prior to entry into a country.


XT Lite Accessories

Regular Price: £74.52
£65.16 ex VAT

£78.19 inc VAT

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

Thuraya SatSleeve Hotspot Accessories

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

£170.00 ex VAT

£204.00 inc VAT

XT PRO Accessories

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

Thuraya SatSleeve Hotspot Accessories

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

£170.00 ex VAT

£204.00 inc VAT

Regular Price: £73.04
£63.86 ex VAT

£76.63 inc VAT

Iridium GO! Auto Charger - USB Output
Regular Price: £31.27
£27.19 ex VAT

£32.63 inc VAT

XT PRO-DUAL Accessories

Iridium GO! Auto Charger - USB Output
Regular Price: £31.27
£27.19 ex VAT

£32.63 inc VAT

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

Thuraya SatSleeve Hotspot Accessories

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

£170.00 ex VAT

£204.00 inc VAT

Regular Price: £73.04
£63.86 ex VAT

£76.63 inc VAT

SatSleeve Accessories

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

Thuraya SatSleeve Hotspot Accessories

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

£170.00 ex VAT

£204.00 inc VAT

Regular Price: £88.03
£76.97 ex VAT

£92.36 inc VAT

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

Thuraya SatSleeve Hotspot Accessories

Thuraya External External Handset Antenna

£170.00 ex VAT

£204.00 inc VAT

Regular Price: £88.03
£76.97 ex VAT

£92.36 inc VAT